Note from the Pastor
Dear Good Shepherd Church Family, Grace to you and peace, from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, through the love of the Holy Spirit! I have been called to be the new pastor of Good Shepherd, and have accepted this call with great joy and excitement for the...Archives
Lemonholm Site Map
- Welcome!
- Spoken Word
- Written Word
- 2010 Writings
- 2009 Writings: Addressing Conflict
- 2000-2008 Writings
- 1980s-1990s Writings
- 1990-4-19 Christ the Man
- 1993-11 Plurality, Rationality, Christian Faith
- 1997-1-12 Beyond Inclusivism
- 1997-1-17 Converting the Child
- 1997-1-29 Inerrancy
- 1997-11-3 Christology and Feminism
- 1997-3-2 Biblical, Theological Interpretation
- 1997-9-29 Entrance Essay
- 1998-1-10 Bonhoeffer, Discipleship, and the Self
- 1998-1-14 Brief Encounter with Hinduism
- 1998-1-23 Discipleship and the Individual
- 1998-12-12 Pastoral Care for Men
- 1999-5-14 The Ascension and Time
- 1999-5-17 Barbecue Hospitality
- 1999-8-23 Approval Essay
- Just Some Poems
- Family History
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Blogging the Bible
- Book
- Spoken Word
- Welcome!
- Written Word
- 1980s-1990s Writings
- 1990-4-19 Christ the Man
- 1993-11 Plurality, Rationality, Christian Faith
- 1997-1-12 Beyond Inclusivism
- 1997-1-17 Converting the Child
- 1997-1-29 Inerrancy
- 1997-11-3 Christology and Feminism
- 1997-3-2 Biblical, Theological Interpretation
- 1997-9-29 Entrance Essay
- 1998-1-10 Bonhoeffer, Discipleship, and the Self
- 1998-1-14 Brief Encounter with Hinduism
- 1998-1-23 Discipleship and the Individual
- 1998-12-12 Pastoral Care for Men
- 1999-5-14 The Ascension and Time
- 1999-5-17 Barbecue Hospitality
- 1999-8-23 Approval Essay
- Just Some Poems
- 2000-2008 Writings
- 2009 Writings: Addressing Conflict
- 2010 Writings
- Family History
- 1980s-1990s Writings